We Are An Acts 2 Church!

When the first Church started, it was in response to the love of Jesus. We don’t know how many people were in the first Church, but numbers did not matter. What mattered most were people living out the call of Christ in community and love. OVERCOME strives to be just that.

We know that in Acts 2:42-47 the early church gave us the model for a true and authentic expresssion of God's love.  It did several things that we at Overcome try to emmulate.  Check them out below!



Here Are Some Things Important To Us

1.  Overcome exists to open up our minds to the truth of Jesus Christ. We do that through sound BIBLICAL TEACHING. (Acts 2:42)

2.  We desire everyone experiences a relationship with Jesus. One way we deepen that relationship is through passionate WORSHIP. (Acts 2:42)

3.  We know that an authentic walk with Christ means to follow and serve Him with everything we are. We fulfill that walk by moving out in MISSION, and SERVING our communities. (Acts 2:45)

4.  We have a vision that the Church can be the Body of Christ. That happens when we foster genuine RELATIONSHIPS and COMMUNITY with one another. (Acts 2:44)

5.  Overcome Church believes God is still active in this world through signs, miracles, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  We proclaim we are an IMPERFECT people resting in the PERFECT love of Jesus.  (Acts 2:43)